The journey towards building started from recognizing key shifts occurring in the work place. Here's an excerpt from our initial whitepaper research. This is what led us to build the post-pandemic HR tool that is known as
The shift to remote work has been forecasted by People & Culture teams across varying business sectors for years, however the acceleration of this shift through a pandemic was entirely unforeseen. Just as fast as work-from-home policies have been implemented, organizations are now looking to determine what the optimal post-pandemic workplace looks like.
For most companies, the transition to remote work has been successful in a short amount of time. Though that may be, there have been key drawbacks with working from home. Feelings of fatigue from Zoom meetings, isolation resulting from remote work, and burnout have all become known elements to HR teams across the board.
Employees have become accustomed to flexible work arrangements and this is not looking to change at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. The duration of the pandemic thus far has been long enough to cement a behavioral and expectation change on behalf of employees of workplaces worldwide. Recognizing this trend of a "new normal" is pivotal for HR professionals to ensure they are keeping up with employee wants & needs to maximize thriving workforces.
This post is an excerpt from our Whitepaper. Read the PDF version here.
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- Zalmy